#5 Adding Menus
In the previous post, we added the toolbar in our chrome app using Polymer. Today we will be adding four components : Drawer-panel menu Overflow menu Toast Icons Add the following to add icons...You can look up here for more icons. <link rel="import" href="bower_components/core-icons/social-icons.html"> Open " #4 Adding Polymer " post for reference. Go to the HTML part (inside the Drawer panel) and add the Drawer-panel menu and Icons. <!--drawer content goes here--> <core-menu theme="core-light-theme" class="drawer-menu"> <core-item label="Explore" icon="explore" style="color: #673ab7;"> </core-item> <core-item label="Surprise" icon="redeem" style="color: #ff5177;"> </core-item> <core-item label="Shop" icon="shopping-cart" style="color: #38acff;"> </core-it...